06 January 2014

Islands, islands, islands....

Johor can easily claimed to be an islands paradise as there are more than 50 islands sprawling over its water waiting to be explored. Many of the enchanting islands are in the northeastern district of Mersing.

Sea sport like fishing,diving and others water activity and marine life are almost synonymous with islands in Mersing. In fact most of the island have already been declared as sanctuary for the coral reef community as well as the underwater wonders.

A marine park centre was built at Pulau Tinggi, is an information and exhibition centre for the benefit of visitors.

Island in Mersing.
It is useful to note that the Malay word for island is pulau. For practical purposes the islands off Mersing could conveniently be grouped into 3 clusters: northern, southern and eastern clusters. The main islands within each cluster, arranged in order of geographical position are as a follows:

Pulau Harimau, Pulau Mensirip, Pulau Gual, Pulau Rawa, Pulau Hujung, Pulau Tengah and Pulau Besar.

Pulau Tinggi, Pulau Apil, Pulau Mentigi, Pulau Sibu Besar, Pulau Sibu, Pulau Tengah, Pulau Sibu Kukus and Pulau Sibu Hujong.

Pulau Pemanggil, Pulau Dayang and Pulau Aur.


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